Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Reflection on Legacies

My dad would be turning 56 tomorrow. It’s never easy to continue living without a loved one. I often think about the major life events that will be different for me and my siblings than what we imagined growing up because our dad won’t be there – graduations, weddings, births of his grandchildren.

With the recent passing of former Mayor Rick Taylor, I know that holidays, birthdays and anniversaries will be bittersweet for the Taylor family for years to come. I wish them strength during days like this. These days may never carry the joy that they used to, but they do become much easier. You have to hold on to the happy memories and talk about the good times. It’s how you will move on without forgetting.

It is a huge comfort in knowing that a person lives on through their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. His legacy can be continued for generations. Dr. Yood’s Aug 9th blog captures the essence of this –

I had the pleasure of speaking with Rev. Gloria Taylor over the weekend. She is a strong woman and her family is blessed to have her as their rock during this time. We talked about the well-known celebrities and activists that Mayor Taylor brought to Plainfield and his passion for equal rights. Mayor Taylor was a public servant in the truest form.

I will undoubtedly spend the rest of this week reflecting on the legacies of these two former Mayors who contributed greatly to our City.



Anonymous said...

Al was a wonderful man, and I am glad that I got to know and work with him and become friends. We shared a love of Cheetos.


Anonymous said...

And you will reflect knowing that many good thoughts and prayers will be combined with yours and your familiy. And, that you have a very special angel looking out for you. Never doubt that for a moment.