Monday, March 2, 2009

IT in Plainfield (Part II)

I shared the following information at Monday night's council meeting:

On Thursday evening I called for an IT committee meeting. The Union County Director of Data Processing agreed to come in and share her opinion on creating the position of an IT Director. During our initial phone conversation she was adamantly opposed to creating this position, suggesting instead that 2 technicians would get Plainfield moving in the right direction. At the meeting, however, she presented the opposite viewpoint - that an IT Director IS needed. I was thrown off by this change in opinion; however, I wanted to share this new piece of information with the public.

If there is a need to bring in a technology professional with a high-level understanding of technological processes and systems, then we should continue to look into what options exist to meet those needs.



Anonymous said...

This position of yours is a sad disappointment. Yes, the peanut gallery and Dan Damon will clap you on. They will even cheer you.

But positions like this is what turns a good, well intentioned person into a Sharpe James.

Annie McWilliams said...

To the anonymous poster at 11:02pm:

I'm sorry that you are disappointed, however I believe that making informed decisions is NEVER a disappointment.

Anonymous said...


There is a difference between Data Processing and IT. Is the county data processing director position / title a hold over from the old days or is that their position?

Annie McWilliams said...

It is the current title. Should the city hire an IT Director the official title would be Director of Data Processing. I agree that the actual title is outdated but it is the correct name.